Storibord Coffee Stories: Costa Rica SWP Decaf

Decaf drinkers are coffee drinkers too and Storibord Coffee Roasters is particular about decaf coffee.
The process with which coffee is decaffeinated is done while the bean (or seed) is still in raw "green" form - unroasted; and this process is a very big deal to me.
It was not until recently, that I discovered what was involved in the process of decaffeination. There are at least four major decaffeination process that are used. Most of which use chemicals to extract the caffeine in the coffee bean (seeds).
The Swiss Water Process method uses zero chemicals. Though the FDA has deemed the amount of chemicals used in other decaffeination processes as safe for consumption, I am persuaded that zero chemical is always better.
This Swiss Water Process decaf coffee from Costa Rica is brought to you by two coffee producers - Carol and Jose. Carol is from "Jardin de Aromas" in Costa Rica's Central Valley. Jose is from "Imperio Rojo", Chirripo National Park.

In the cup, this Costa Rican decaf carries a refreshing brightness and almost tart sweetness similar to apple; along with characteristics of raw sugar and roasted cacao nibs. Because the Swiss Water decaffeination process leaves more of the coffee flavor profile intact (versus other processes) you will love the full taste of this delicious decaf coffee.
You can now find this decaf Costa Rican coffee locally at Graves Shop & Save and Bread of Life in Presque Isle, and Hillside IGA in Fort Fairfield. The price is a little more that the other coffees offered because of the quality of the coffee as well as the quality of the decaffeination process.
I would love to hear what you think of it. Please leave your feedback below in the comments.