Yield: one 11 oz cup
Time: 8 to 10 minutes
Raio: 17/1


Digital scale
360 ml of water
Two spoons
20 gm fresh,
tasty coffee
This alternative method was inspired by James Hoffmann and Tim Wedelboe. You will taste a lot of natural coffee sweetness, along with a smooth, heavy body in the mouth feel. It is natural to think that the extra 5 minutes in this recipe will overly extract the brewing coffee and make it taste bitter. But, trust me! This method makes a great tasting coffee. And, well worth the long wait.
Step 1:
Heat enough water for 340 ml and some extra. Heat water to 205º. Alternatively, let water come to a boil, rest for 30 seconds, then use.
Step 2:
Grind 20 gm of fresh coffee to medium coarseness. Coarser then table salt; just as you would use for a regular filter coffee.
Step 3:
Pre-heat device by pouring in a small amount (20 ml) of heated water. Swirl water to heat sides. Dispose of water.
Step 4:
Drop freshly ground coffee in french press container, and zero out digital scale.
Step 5:
Pour in 340 ml of heated water (205ºF), evenly covering and wetting all coffee grinds. Start timer for 5 minutes.
Step 6:
Place french press plunger just above the coffee slurry. Let stand without moving for the timed 5 minutes.
Step 7:
Once timer finishes, stir the coffee crust that sits at the top of the brew 2 times. Take 2 spoons and with a sweeping motion across the top, scoop of the small bits of coffee floating at the top as well as all the foam and dispose. Use a side cup of hot water to wash spoons each time you remove foam. Place plunger back on french press container, sitting just above the brewing coffee, and let stand untouched for another 5 minutes. This will allow all of the grinds and sediment to fall to the bottom. This WILL NOT over extract your coffee, but provide a much sweeter cup as well as a heavy body to the coffee mouth feel.
Step 8:
Once timer finishes, DO NOT plunge the french press plunger, but leave it at the top of the brewed coffee. Plunging will stir up coffee fines (small coffee particles and silt), creating a muddy cup when pouring. Holding the top of the french press, pour your deliciously brewed coffee into your favorite coffee cup, allowing all of the brewed coffee to pass through the built-in filter in the French press plunger.
Step 9:
Enjoy the moment.