Shipping updates to
In my effort to make it easy and super simple to order delicious and inspiring coffee from, I have made some recent changes to my shipping policy and shipping charges. has lowered the prices of its online coffee and has added shipping charges that are based off the United States Postal Service on Shipping charges stated at checkout in the Storibord Store have been calculated for shipping within the state of Maine as well as along the east coast of USA, delivered from Fort Fairfield, ME. For anyone interested in ordering coffee from that is located west of the east cost of USA, please contact for a shipping quote. Storibord does NOT and will NOT have any intensions of making a profit from shipping charges.
I appreciate your understanding with this and especially as Storibord Coffee Roasters grows as a business. Serving and making it easier for Storibord fans is my utmost core value.
If you have any questions regarding these changes, please feel free to contact me at